Disclosure Statement for Chapter 11 Plan and Notices to Stapled Securityholders

As disclosed in Announcement #42 – Approval of the Disclosure Statement under the Chapter 11 Process, a copy of the notice of the hearing on confirmation of the Chapter 11 Plan, the Disclosure Statement (as approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court) and the Chapter 11 Plan is uploaded on this page.

A copy of the following notices setting out further information on the process, the timing and the options that the Stapled Securityholders may take in connection with the Chapter 11 Plan has been mailed to Stapled Securityholders. You may also download a copy of the notices in the following links:

The Third Party Release Opt-Out Election Form is only applicable for Stapled Securityholders with a claim for the distribution declared by EH-REIT on 17 February 2020 and based on the record date of 25 February 2020.

You may also refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.